Michaela & James | Maternity

You are in for a big smile today!  How can you not smile when you look at how genuinely happy these two are?  Michaela and James just moved into the neighborhood and their house is the same style as our house!  We got the tour a few weeks ago and it is all coming together so well!  The challenge is to have it altogether before the BABY arrives!  I am so impressed with their dedication to take on a 100 year old Hilton home while pregnant!  They’ve done amazing things to their house and it’s going to be perfectly complete when this little one arrives!

Can’t you just see the happiness radiating from this couple?!  It was so much to do this session because they just kept laughing!  James is a goofball and SO. IN. LOVE. with his wife!  It was easy to pose him because he already wanted to kiss her and hold her and make her smile.  Gah!  So cute.

Michaela and James aren’t finding out the gender of the baby until birth.  But boy or girl this kid is going to be so well loved!  Can’t wait to meet the newest member of your family in 2013!!




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