Chianti Italy Maternity Session

Is it vain to blog pictures of US?!  Eeeek… probably.  But this session y’all, SO much went into it and it all came together so perfectly.  Seriously, it couldn’t have been better. And Abby did SUCH a great job, it just feels like these images deserve one last blog post.

Looking through these images makes me so happy because it sums up a lot about our marriage.  We’ve built something significant in the last five and a half years and these pictures are such a celebration of how far we’ve come.  We’re adventurous, a little bit crazy (you have to be to fly across the world at 31 weeks pregnant), and above all else we cherish making memories together.  We value experiences not things and that has enabled us to have some pretty incredible adventures together.  These smiles and cuddles are the result of the work we’ve put into our relationship, dying to our selfishness, seeking to serve each other, and constantly choosing each other.

And the journey is just beginning!  There is so much more work and joy ahead of us as we anticipate the arrival of this little one.  We are looking forward to the ways our marriage will grow and strengthen in our new roles as parents.

So these images?  They’re totally a celebration!  A celebration of where we’ve been, what we’ve built and what is to come.


  1. Christa Rae says:

    I LOVE everything about this session!! Her dress, the car, the location! Ahh! So so so stunning, Lindsay! Beautiful maternity photographs!

  2. Nastja says:

    Wow, absolutely amazing. That light is magical!

  3. Laura says:

    These are stunning! What a beautiful location!

  4. These are stunning! Motherhood becomes you!

  5. Love love and LOVE!!!! I seriously cannot get over how gorgeous you are in that dress!!! AH! xoxo!

  6. Lauren Swann says:

    These are stunning, Linds!!!

  7. jen says:

    BEAUTIFUL! I love that you were able to connect in ITALY for this session.

  8. This light is heavenly, location gorgeous and your dress to die for! But most beautiful is the smiles and the look in your eyes.

  9. Ruth says:

    The absolute beauty of these pictures made me cry…They perfectly capture you and Zach and the love you have for each other. So happy for you and so proud of you! Love you so much!

  10. Heather says:

    Absolutely incredible! That first picture hits me right in the feels- so much love in his eyes for you and your sweet little one!


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