Welcome, Jess!!

I’ve jokingly said, “I never want to shoot a wedding without Jess.” But it’s kind of true. My work is just BETTER when she is around.

She gets it. The entire heart and vision of this little business. She knows that, to me, this is so much more than producing beautiful images. This is about serving in the significant moments. It’s about learning names, laughing at grandpa’s jokes, and yes, even sometimes rubbing BBQ sauce from a wedding dress with a tide-to-go pen. It’s the reason I get to be the “family photographer”- because I believe in being more than just a vendor; I value relationships and want to be worthy of lasting trust.

Jess gets it. I trust her instincts, I am amazed by her genuine desire to serve, and I love her work. We’ve been dreaming and scheming for awhile and I could not be more excited to announce that she is officially joining Lindsay Fauver Photography!

Welcome, Jess | Lindsay Fauver Photography - View More: http://kristimckeagphotography.pass.us/lindsay-jessIs it possible to be proud and humbled all at once? I am so proud of who she is and the way she is going to bless this business and I am SO humbled that she’s choosing to serve alongside me.

We’re in this together now and it’s going to mean three really amazing things:

  1. Jess has an incredible attention to detail so she will be the genius behind a lot of the systems, marketing, and publication of this business. She knows what she’s doing y’all. For example, my beautiful Pinterest is all thanks to her hard work!
  2. I am the luckiest that she will be with me for almost all of my weddings this season. I LOVE having Jess with me on wedding days- she sees things that I don’t and takes gentle initiative to make sure we cover everything. She helps set up detail shots, she reminds me to drink water, and she can occasionally be seen joining in on the Wobble. She really is the BEST and we make such a great team!
  3. She will be photographing a select few weddings on her own under my new associate program!! This means that now, couples who love the LFP brand but have a smaller budget for photography have the option to book Jess and still have all of their editing and processing done through me! Jess has worked alongside me for years, grown her own business, and has an incredible talent and eye for beauty. It’s like booking the best of both worlds! (P.s. if you’re interested in finding out her availability for YOUR wedding, just shoot us a note!)

View More: http://kristimckeagphotography.pass.us/lindsay-jessJess, your life is characterized in so many ways by your service to others. You are an absolute gift to me, to our amazing couples, and to everyone that knows you! I could not trust anyone more with this big step. Thank you for your prayers over this work, the constant supply of peppermint patties, and all the behind-the-scenes tasks you accomplish. Thanks for your professionalism, your servant heart, and for knowing my think-tank better than I do. I am so grateful that this industry will not lose you. You define community over competition and our couples are graced with the best of TWO creative hearts because of it. Cheers to YOU and all that’s ahead!

  1. […] SO I’m thrilled and honored that after three years of working together, I’m officially joining Lindsay Fauver Photography! I’ll be joining Lindsay as her assistant photographer for the majority of her weddings, and helping with overall systems, marketing, and publication. I will also be photographing a very select few weddings under Lindsay’s associate program. You can read more about what this will look like on Lindsay’s announcement post HERE. […]

  2. Jess says:

    Thank you for such kind words! Couldn’t be more humbled and thrilled!

  3. Beth Weeks says:

    Congratulations!!! She sounds perfect!

  4. becky says:

    Congrats to you both = win-win . . . AND to your lucky clients . . . WIN! Love this post!


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