Travel | New Orleans

It has been a very full summer but I have loved every minute of the travel I’ve been able to do.  Getting to shoot in a new location and new culture energizes me and inspires me like nothing else can!  I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to photograph couples in Italy, St. Thomas and Louisiana!

Zach comes with me when I travel because he’s an incredible servant and there is a TON of behind the scenes work that goes into traveling with all of my gear, organizing rental cars and hotels, etc.  Zach does it all and I am so grateful for him!

We’ve taken a few days in each new city that we were able to explore this summer and we LOVED seeing New Orleans!  It is such a beautiful place and they serve the best seafood I’ve ever had!  Wahoo fish, anyone?!  Incredible!  Enjoy a few of the images we snapped while there!  Thanks Megan and Brett for all the advice on where to go and things to do!  We love your home state!

Ahhh the moss!!!  Someone please get married at this plantation and I will very happily come shoot it!  Yes, 5D Mark iii selfie.  On a boat.  In the middle of the Mississippi.  Win.

P.s. I still have some availability to travel for 2015!  If you’re interested in booking, mention this blog post for a discount on your destination wedding!

  1. Natalie says:

    What a fun trip! I’ve always wanted to visit New Orleans!

  2. Kristen says:

    Obsessed with these images. They are absolutely stunning and I want that plantation!!!! Xo


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