Merry Christmas Eve!

We’re staying with my parents for a few days and the whole gang is here!  Most notably, however, all of the dogs are here.  My parents’ dog, Rory, our Lucy-goose, and the latest addition to the family- Oliver, my sister and brother in law’s dog.

Oliver is a playful little guy who is always SO happy to see you- drool and all.  He just wants to be loved ALL the TIME!

He and Lucy get along SO well.  They’re close to the same size and energy level.  They even played tug of war with each other last night!  It was so cute.

Rory, on the other hand, is the mature one of the group and does not engage in such childish activities as tug-of-war.  She can be easily provoked to growl and, on occasion, we find her plotting Lucy and Oliver’s death.  But Rory has been a very gracious hostess this year, even sharing her water bowl and joining in the play every now and then!

Watching Rory to make sure she doesn’t attack Checking each other out. Rory sometimes joins in on the fun!

Lucy hides behind the trees when she needs to regroup and strategizeLove triangle?! Merry Christmas Eve from the Pearson, Fehr and Fauver pups!!


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