Main Street Monday

One of the things I’m most thankful for in our new house on Main Street is that there is so much more SPACE!!  We love to host and in our three years at 66 we maxed that place out!  We once had 36 people over for Easter dinner and I have no clue how we fit everyone in!

63 has more space so while we will definitely continue packing people in for fun get-togethers, at least they will all be a little more comfortable!

Greek IV’s leadership team has always met at my house.  I think they don’t mind driving four miles to get to Main Street because they get to eat my food, sit on my couches and play with my puppy.  And there’s nothing I love more!  It’s really a great situation when you think about it!

The first time we met this year was literally two weeks after we moved into the new house.  I think I was still a little delirious from my crazy summer!  So it was this time that everyone gathered at my house that I realized how grateful I am to have so much more space!  People were not elbowing each other on tiny couches, we didn’t have to run to the garage to find more chairs… we just had what we needed for my team to be together.  We could all hang out in the kitchen, living room, OR dining room if we wanted!  We even had enough space to squeeze together for a picture!

To me, the definition of hospitality is not elaborate food or a picture perfect Martha Stewart environment, but simply creating space for others.  Ultimately, Jesus is the best example we have of hospitality.  Romans 5:17 tells us that “God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  He created space for us to be rescued from the dominion of darkness that our sin binds us to and to be transferred into the Kingdom of God!

Today I’m thankful for the blessing of being able to create space for my awesome leadership team.  I’m thankful for their desire to create space for other Greek students to meet and follow Jesus this semester.  And I’m thankful for the promise Jesus gave when he said “In my Father’s house there are many rooms… I go and prepare a place for you.” ( John 14:2-3)


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