Jonathan & Meghan | Portraits

We met Jonathan and Meghan last November at church and quickly became friends.  We instantly know we’re compatible with anyone who invites us over to dinner after we had them over for dinner.  We’re big fans of hospitality all the way around and Megan and Jonathan were SO hospitable!  We got to see their new apartment and hear their story finding each other in South Dakota!  I think we even got to have some South Dakota coffee that Meghan loves called Highlander Grogg.

We had fun hanging out just the four of us but we all knew that it wouldn’t be long before Jonathan deployed.  He was gone for part of the spring, all summer and just got back in the beginning of December.  We are so glad to have him back in our community and when I asked Meghan how she was doing the other day she said “good, just good… whole again.”  This couple has been through a LOT and it is so awesome seeing that their faith in God’s goodness towards them sustained them through everything.

Needless to say this was a SUPER fun shoot.  Every three seconds Jonathan was leaning over and kissing Meghan’s face.  SO CUTE!  They just look so happy to finally be back together, united, living life together.  I love that my job is to capture these moments for people like the Sireci’s!!

Enjoy some of my favorites!

um, favorite!! So happy for you two!!



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