Downs Family

I love this little family.  They are so fun and joyful and have been such a blessing to Zach and me.

When Sarah found out she was pregnant, she told me by giving me her vodka.  She said, “I don’t need this anymore, I’m going to have a baby.”  STILL my favorite announcement EVER!

And Little Haddon arrived this summer!  He’s a little cutie- very content to be held by anyone, curious, and super smiley when you get him going!  It has been so encouraging watching Sarah and Micah become parents.  They definitely don’t let Haddon slow them down too much and even took him hiking with us once when he was only 3 months old!

We had a fun little mini session right before we all left for Thanksgiving.  It was in the middle of the day right after lunch time so Haddon was happy and ready to rock it for the camera!  Enjoy a few of my favorites! So sweet! Did I mention he likes to put things in his mouth?!



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