Main Street Monday | Meet the Pipers

Living in Hilton Village is so much fun for us!  It’s so nice to know that other people understand “old house problems” and are still just as charmed by our little neighborhood.  Anytime you visit someone else’s Hilton home you automatically look at three things:

  1. Floors (are they hardwood, original, how are they holding up)
  2. Kitchen space (do you have counter top space, and do you have a dishwasher)
  3. Closet/pantry space (most homes don’t have coat closets but a lucky few do!)

It’s just how it goes!  No one is judging or comparing really, those are just the top three things we all have had to deal with in Hilton Village.  So when you find a home that has one or more of those things it’s so exciting!  It’s not uncommon to hear, “Oh the floors need to be repaired but at least you have a FULL SIZE DISHWASHER!”  We all know.  We all can relate.  And that’s what makes it so fun to live here.

Stacie and Mike, our friends from church, bought a home here in Hilton a few years back with the intention of completely remodeling it on their own.  I’m pretty sure Mike has never encountered too great a challenge in his life.  He sees what needs to be done and then figures out how to make it happen, and he does!  It’s incredible.  Right now he’s in the process of redoing their kitchen (to allow for counter space and to add a dishwasher- win!).  One day last week it got too dusty in the house from all of the renovations so Mike and Stacie stayed with us to let the air clear a little bit.

We were all hanging out on the couches downstairs when Lucy decided to crawl into Mike and Stacie’s lap!  Stacie’s so sweet, I think she moved over a little bit to let Lucy have more room!   Don’t ever let Lucy tell you she doesn’t get enough attention!   Um, I love this picture!!

We are so blessed to have the Pipers as our neighbors and friends.  They bring so much joy to our lives and as you can see, Lucy thinks they’re pretty great too!  Mike and Stacie, thanks for being our friends… we’re excited to see your kitchen when it’s finished!!


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